The average house price on CLOCKTOWER MEWS is £527,351
The most expensive house in the street is 5 CLOCKTOWER MEWS with an estimated value of £601,590
The cheapest house in the street is 8 CLOCKTOWER MEWS with an estimated value of £388,185
The house which was most recently sold was 8 CLOCKTOWER MEWS, this sold on 9 Nov 2022 for £390,000
The postcode for CLOCKTOWER MEWS is KT20 6QZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 CLOCKTOWER MEWS Terraced £497,705 £360,000 22 Jan 2016
3 CLOCKTOWER MEWS Terraced £507,033 £410,000 27 Apr 2020
5 CLOCKTOWER MEWS Terraced £601,590 £350,000 20 Apr 2012
7 CLOCKTOWER MEWS Terraced £601,590 £350,000 17 Apr 2012
8 CLOCKTOWER MEWS Terraced £388,185 £390,000 9 Nov 2022
9 CLOCKTOWER MEWS Terraced £568,003 £435,000 3 Mar 2017